How to Ditch Your Junk Food-Filled Pantry and Reboot Your Diet
Dec 8, 2011
diet tips,
junk foof,
tips for diet
By Alan Henry How to Ditch Your Junk Food-Filled Pantry and Reboot Your DietPhoto remixed from originals by gerry and Glory Foods. Be Courageous: You're About to Make Some Difficult ChoicesBefore we get started, the first thing you'll need to do is summon as much courage as possible. To make change like this stick requires doing it in a dramatic way so you won't be tempted to just slip into your old habits, and educating yourself so you have healthy options that hit the same places on your palate that are served by the otherwise awful food you may have in your fridge or pantry. To help with the process, we invited our favorite nutritionists to share their suggestions. Seattle-based nutritionist and Registered Dietitian Andy Bellatti, and Boston-based nutritionist and wellness counselor Alannah DiBona both have a lot of experience helping individuals get their diets on the right track for their individual health and well being, and offered their suggestions for this piece. Out with the Bad: Throw Out the Junk, Over-Processed, Unhealthy Food That's Holding Your Health HostageThe first thing we need to do is give you a fresh start. Head into the kitchen, and get a large trash bag. Open up all of the kitchen cabinets, and get ready to throw out (or donate, if the food is non-perishable and your local community pantry or soup kitchen is accepting donations!) your awful food. Here's your plan of attack. Photo by Javier Aroche. First Pass: Throw Out All of Your Obviously Terrible FoodCandy, chips, cookies, soda, sugar-laden fruit juice—all of it. Don't worry, we'll head to the grocery store in just a little while, so you won't have to live without snacks for too long. Second Pass: Learn How To Read a Nutrition Label, and Use them to Decide What to KeepIf you don't often read the labels on the food you buy and eat, start now, and use them to help you decide what to keep and what to throw out. Take a look at the USDA's dietary guidelines and the FDA's recommended daily intake of calories, fats, vitamins, and sodium to find out how much of what you should be eating. Alannah DiBona has some specific tips on how to read nutrition labels:
As you familiarize yourself with the nutrition labels, start tossing the foods that seem okay at first blush, but that you know aren't good for you based on their ingredients and nutrition facts. Those frozen "light" Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls? The sodium content in there—regardless of the "light" label—is out of control. The same applies to a lot of frozen foods, so keep an eye out. Approach the foods you used to think of as okay for you with a new eye, flip them over, and decide based on the label. Odds are you'll be surprised. Third Pass: Decide on the Difficult ThingsNow it's time to start thinking about everything that's left. This is where you consider the difficult foods that you really want to keep but you know probably aren't at all good for you. We're not there with you, so we can't force you to throw it out, but we will give you this advice: you'll be more likely to stick with the food choices you're about to make when you get to the grocery store if you don't have your old staples to fall back on. Photo by Sean MacEntee. It's easy to throw out chips, soda, and candy. It's difficult however to toss out the frozen pizzas you rely on for a quick snack when you're hungry in the afternoon, or those microwave burritos that aren't really bad for you, but they aren't good either. Don't try to convince yourself that you can keep bad food if you change your habits either, like keeping the jug of ranch dressing in your fridge if you promise yourself you really will only use a tablespoon per serving. We all know you won't—breaking habits isn't that easy. When I tackled this job myself, I found myself with a large trash bag full of food that I probably should never have picked up anyway - a lot of it was pretty old, since I try to eat well anyway. Since I have a relatively small apartment and kitchen, there wasn't much to throw out. That said, that bag was pretty heavy. I enjoy salty and savory snacks, so I had to toss out two or three different varieties of salty snack mix, tortilla chips, cured meat in the fridge, corn-syrup laden dipping sauces and condiments, and frozen dinners that may be quick to microwave, but have incredible sodium and fat content. If you're about tackle this yourself, don't worry—my pantry was as empty as yours. Stop, Think, and Plan Before You Go Re-Stock the PantryNow that the junk is in the trash and your cabinets are bare, it's time to think about alternatives. You might think to put the planning before tossing, but we put them in this order to force you to go to the grocery store with after coming up with healthy alternatives. As you make your shopping list, replace the foods you normally would buy with healthy options you'll enjoy. Think about are the types of flavors that you like, and look for healthy alternatives that hit those notes. Like I mentioned, I tend to enjoy salty and savory snacks, so I was eager to find better foods that hit the same flavor profile. If you give up your beloved bag of potato chips for tortilla chips or popcorn, you're more likely to stick with your healthy diet change than if you toss out a bag of Cheetos and hope you'll learn to love dried apricots. Here are some suggestions to get your list started. Photo by Ollie Crafoord.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, but they're all great suggestions. The key here is to find healthier alternatives to foods that you already love and try them on for size. If some of the foods you have or had in your pantry have healthier options, check them out when you get to the store—just make sure to read the label to make sure they're actually healthy and not just marketed as such. Photo by Lori Stone. Find a Personal Motivator To Help You CommitAndy Bellatti suggested that you tie your healthy eating goals to some personal motivator. For example, you're concerned about the environment or social good, he proposes: "Take on changes that are positive for your health and also socially conscious. For example – resolve to do more of your shopping at a farmers market. If you eat meat, look into purchasing meat that is raised in more sustainable ways, fed a healthier diet (i.e.: grass-fed beef vs. corn-fed beef, eggs from pasture-raised chickens), and treated more humanely. All of these changes provide benefits for human health as well as local economies, animal welfare, and the environmental landscape." Alannah DiBona agrees, and also notes that if you've been on the diet roller coaster before, you should stop and consider your reasons before you go any further. "How many times have you done this before? What's different this time? Why do you want to make the change? These are important questions to consider, otherwise you may be setting yourself up for failure. This is an important commitment to your quality of life, so don't fear trying something new, or taking a new approach." Alternatively, use something close and personal to motivate you, like a family member or friend who's ill, or the desire to spend more time with your family and friends. Personally, I'm going through a very similar experience, and not to diminish the causes of social good and environmental protection, I also rather selfishly want to minimize my risk factors for illnesses that run in my family. The key here is whatever you choose to do, make sure you have a motivating force behind it that makes you stick to your guns when the going gets rough and you're tempted to buy a box of Oatmeal Creme Pies from the convenience store. Finally, share that motivator with friends and solicit their support. Recruit your family, friends, or colleagues to join in with you, or find online communities that will offer some support, like previously mentioned Daily Challenge or Fitocracy. Photo by Amy. Head to the Grocery Store Armed with Knowledge and AlternativesNow you're ready to go shopping. First, relax. Up to this point we've put a lot of emphasis on making sure you have healthy options to turn to in favor of junk food, and that you have the knowledge to make smart decisions. Compose yourself and resist the urge to go off and make choices you'll regret when you get home. Don't go off, buy all the right things, come home with bags of kale chips (which are delicious, by the way), granola, and other healthy foods, only to discover the that after a week, the thrill has passed. Here are a couple of rules to follow while you're in the store: Photo by Brianna.
If you catch yourself putting something in your cart because you "feel like you have to," take it back out and look for something that's a better fit for you, both for your taste buds and your health. Repeat the process until you feel good about what you're buying. One great suggestion Andy made was to arm yourself with a cookbook and some new, healthy recipes you want to try. This accomplishes two tasks: First, it cultivates a love of healthy food that will stay with you and help you stick to your rebooted diet. Second, it gets you away from processed foods. You won't find food dyes, artificial sweeteners, and industrial cooking oils in most cookbooks, and the more you cook for yourself and try new, healthier ingredients and recipes, the less you'll rely on foods that come with those things cooked in. Stick to Your GunsOnce you've stocked your kitchen and pantry shelves with healthy options, the hard part begins: making sure you don't let it all fall apart. First of all, you will make mistakes, and you will fall off the rails now and again. That's fine. Accept your mistakes, accept that you're allowed to reward yourself with empty calories now and again, or go out to eat and enjoy a big fancy meal, and move on. The real challenge will be to make sure those mistakes and rewards are infrequent. Photo by v smoothe. Alannah suggests talking to a dietitian or nutritionist (like herself and Andy) or even with your doctor when you start down this path. Even a short session can produce a lot of information about what's best for your lifestyle, preferences, and tastes. Best of all, many health insurance providers will cover a visit or two, just to help you get on the right track. Use your support network to help you as well. Share the healthy substitutions that have worked for you, and ask for their suggestions and opinions. Your family and friends can help—or at least present an audience you don't want to disappoint. I've just started down this road myself. I'm in the process of finding healthy alternatives to the snacks that I love and discovering new recipes to try and snacks to enjoy. It's not a perfect science, and unlike those reality shows where someone swoops into your home, empties your kitchen, and takes you shopping to replace it all, you won't magically be a healthier person at the end of the episode. Even so, that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a shot. You only have your health and well-being to gain. Photo by DC Central Kitchen. |
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